8 April 2018

While students across the nation are enjoying their Sunday relaxing at home, around 1200 youngsters from Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Shimla, Karnal and Yamunanagar execute more than 100 humanitarian projects. These projects were undertaken with the motto of spreading awareness about various day to day concerns- child & women health and exploitation, global warming, education, malnutrition, pollution and a lot more.
The youth got “Together for Good” and executed projects like Feed the soul – Providing food to street dogs, birds and other animals, Grand Friends – Visiting old age home for fellowship and adopting *GrandFriend*, Udaan– Distributing sweets to children selling on roads, Dhanyawad – Visiting and giving thanks to Officer at fire station, Save Birds Save Nature – Installation of Mud pots for drinking water for birds, Embrace Womanhood– Sanitary Napkin Donation, Breathe Easy, Lets Plant trees – Tree Plantation: 100 plants, We care for you – Refreshment to traffic police and police staff, Chabeel Bhujaye Pyaas Baki Sab Bakwas – Lassi distribution etc.
More than 100 such projects were executed today, as a step by youth for improving the society in their free time (Sunday), aiming for a change in society and contributing little by little towards the change and development of the society.
Managing and coordinating these 100 projects, District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Yashika Sagar said that “Coming together and helping the society proceed towards better tomorrow is a great feeling indeed, we Rotaractors wanted to mark this Golden Jubilee year by doing what has been never done before in a single day. We executed 100 humanitarian projects for the betterment of the society and we feel that doing this was the most productive use of our time and strength.”
These projects were executed by youth of Rotaract Dist.3080 marking the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Rotaract. Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of RID 3080, around 25 clubs joined hands to do more than 100 projects in a day. The Rotaractors celebrated the Golden Jubilee with great enthusiam working towards a better tomorrow.